Job Aid and Voice Acting Sample

This is a training initiative my coworker, Gretchen, and I developed for the IU Health Nursing department. They had developed the Hand Hygiene app to track incidents of hand hygiene use and misuse within IU Health. The training initiative included:

  • An e-learning module that consisted of:

    • Videos showing different scenarios and quizzes on what hand hygiene opportunities were missed

    • Video showing how to use the Hand Hygiene app

  • A job aid showing how to download the app that nurses could access after they underwent the training

Gretchen developed the e-learning module and the video. I created the job aid, a script for one of the slides and the how-to-use video, and recorded/mixed the voice-overs.


Job Aid

This is the job aid I created to go with the e-learning module Gretchen developed. The job aid is a quick guide for how to use the Hand Hygiene app.


Here is the script for my recording of the step-by-step video for how to use the app.



This is the recording of the step-by-step guide for using the app.

Slide Recording

Video Recording